After sharing my favorite / most meaningful possessions, I thought it would also be fun to share my three favorite decorative pieces. Things that definitely aren't necessary, but make me smile every time I see them! I would consider these to be my favorite purchases, and thought it would be fun to share! So- first the sappy, then the fun stuff. Let's go!
Most Meaningful Things
Notebooks and Postcards
Dan and I both like to travel a lot, but we never get souvenirs during our trips. Instead, I bring a travel journal to every country we visit and keep track of everything we do. I started doing this on my first trip out of the country right after I graduated from college. I was traveling with my roommate and her brother, and both of them kept journals. I bought one right away at a little store in Grenada, and it's traveled around with me ever since!I also pick up post cards in each new city we visit, and those mean so much to me! I love flipping through them and remembering past trips.
My wedding ring and engagement ring both mean a lot to me, so that would definitely be one of my favorite possessions! Hopefully they will both be on my finger in case of a fire, so I don't have to worry about grabbing them before running out :)Before Dan proposed, we never really talked about getting married or what style of ring I liked. It always seemed inevitable to both of us that we would eventually get married, so I never pressured him to propose or thought of a timeline. One day out of the blue, he showed me a few pictures of rings on his computer just to see what styles that I liked, and out of the ten he showed me I was immediately drawn to one particular style. Little did I know, he bought that exact ring the day before, and just wanted to make sure I would like it! A few months later he proposed (you can read that story here).
I love the ring so much, not only because I think it's beautiful, but also because every time I look at it or feel it, I think of Dan and our amazing wedding!
I started playing the violin in second grade, and switched to the saxophone in high school. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and in college it changed my life. I joined the Blue Band at Penn State, and made life-long friends, learned important leadership skills, went on amazing trips for football games, and met Dan! I still have the same saxophone that my parents got me as a Christmas present back in high school and love to play it. Any time that I'm having a bad day or just need to relax, I always go back to the sax and play some music. It was the best gift that I've ever received and is still one of my most prized possessions!
Decorative Faves
Fish Vase
Fun fact: I love animal decorations. So, when I saw a vase that was shaped like a fish, I knew I had to get it. I found this a few years ago on Hautelook for super cheap, and I've had it in all of my apartments ever since! I just add fake flowers to it, and seeing it always makes me happy.
Skogsta Bench
I only bought this bench a few weeks ago, but I absolutely love it! The style is so simple, but it's such a great basic piece to have. There are so many uses for the bench, so for our little house it's a great thing to have around! We can use it as extra seats for dinner, or as a table when we're sitting on the couch. It's great quality from Ikea and I highly recommend it!
Brass Owl
I told you I liked animal decorations (p.s. did you notice my ring holder? It's an it!)! I don't even remember where I picked this guy up (I think it was at Marshall's or Home Goods) but I love it! I've had it for a while now, and it always seems to fit right in no matter where I have it.
What are some of your most meaningful possessions?
What piece makes you smile in your home?
What are some of your most meaningful possessions?
What piece makes you smile in your home?
Postcards are a great thing to remember your trips. I also sent postcards home from Europe. I gathered a rock from the Mediterranean sea and the Baltic on my travels. I also saved a leaf from a park in France. These little things evoke such special memories for me.